Friday, 27 November 2015

New ... Vintage ACME Mannequin

I have a new conversation piece in my sewing room.  She is beautiful.  A long time friend was reorganizing her home in preparation of a tiny human moving in and she offered me her mannequin.  Several of my friends own sewing machine but never use them, I always suspect because they own those horrible plastic sewing machines you can buy for under $150.  Horrible things that have turned thousands off sewing.  So I was imagining something cheap and ugly from those same horrible stores.  I dragged my feet.  Yes it would probably be helpful, yes I have room, yes it would make fitting easier etc etc.  

I should have known.  My friend is always pulled together and stunning, her house is beautiful and reflects her personality.  She refused to put in blinds or curtains into her newly bought house because she could not afford the ones she wanted, and the ones she could afford were deemed too ugly.  I should have known that if she bought it, it would be beautiful. 

She is "fully adjustable".  When I brought her home she was compact and petite, I have adjusted her to almost my measurements.  He bust is smaller and her hips are bigger.  She has some curves, and almost Victorian posture.  

Made of almost paper mache and covered in fabric she isn't really pin-able so I won't be doing any amazing draping on her like I have seen on Project Runway.  Label says she is made in NY USA, I wouldn't be comfortable guessing when she was made.

Comment with a rough date if you have a better idea to how old she is

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