Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Christmas Presents for Little People

I got my marks back.  Two years down, one to go.  Placement starts again in January, I am focusing on sewing as much as I can till then.  I finished my Christmas list for the little nieces and nephew really early and even though no one I know, knows about the blog I kept it hush until now just in case.

 My BF's family have really welcomed me into the family.  His oldest brother has four kids under 6 who I just adore.  Last couple of years I have made them presents for Christmas.  Some dress up's and toys.  This year I started planning early.  The eldest two fell hard for Frozen, like the rest of the planet but their true obsession is How To Train Your Dragon.  When I saw Rachel's fur vest's they went on my list. Yes I started planning in August.

I used the same pattern as my inspiration Lux Vest by Figgy Patterns. I even stumbled on the same faux fur as Rachel.  Found it in the basement of sorrows that is Lincraft in Northland.  I made the size's 2, 4 and 6.  

The eldest is starting school next year.  I bought her a Hello Kitty back pack and stumbled upon an image probably a lot like this one ...

I usually don't fall for Pinterest how-to's.  They remind me of late night infomercials.  A good idea in the moment but then you wake up and regret everything.  This one seemed doable.  About 10 years ago I made some really ugly "wallets" out of old cassette tapes.  That was a Thread Banger how-to.  Bad idea.  These looked easy compared to that disaster.  I made a practice one.  Hey I am still a student for one more year, I could use a new pencil case too.

I had these in the cupboard.  Tasty tasty Japanese treats under 70 calories.  Never tried baking the cheesecake ones like the front suggests.  I didn't do the best job.

As soon as I read about "iron on vinyl" I laughed and went straight to Lincraft for normal vinyl.  Glad I did.  I have been looking around for supplies for another project that I WAS excited about.  Before I started looking for that one piece of hardware that I need.  Now I just feel like the internet is trying to suck out my life force.  Seen a couple of people selling iron on vinyl.  Really expensive.  All sold out.  Sometimes being so far away from the US or UK is really annoying.  Also the Australian dollar.  That's annoying too. 

The normal vinyl worked fine.  I might have rushed a little in my excitement.  The first one took about 2 hours.  The good one took about 20 minutes.  Always the way.

Apparently M&M's and Freddo Frogs are her favourite. I did a better job on this one but still not stella.  The vinyl is sticky, but sews OK in my machines.  I didn't want to pin so I used sticky tape, which was a really bad idea.  The top side of sticky tape is not sticky, and the feed dogs don't work.  Bad idea.  

The wrong side
Last but not least, the 3 month old doesn't care about Christmas presents so I made her something that will amuse the rest of us.  A little Star Wars outfit.  I have made this little outfit before.  I used a free pattern from Leafy Treetops blog and small+friendly.  Last time the pants came out to big and the hoodie to small.  I printed them out at 90% and 110%.  I think it would have made them perfect EXCEPT I was silly and made the seam allowances bigger on the pants and tiny on the hoodie.  whoops.

I really hope they like them!

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