Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Geometry and Madrid

I made some things! I even managed to take pictures.  I made the Madrid bag from Seamwork magazine from the team at Colette Patterns.  I used all stash stuff including leather that I think originally came from my high school textile room (It has been many years since I graduated), and an antler button from the UK.  The patterns from Seamwork magazine are supposed to be 2 hour patterns.  Yeah not so much for this bag.  Maybe 10 hours.  Lots of interfacing and poly organza in this bag to give it shape.  Pretty happy with it over all.

I made the Geometry top from Katy and Laney.  I used size 14 because it had the right bust size, but it came out super boxy.  

It also came out as very christmas-ie.  I used leftovers from my stash, and I think this military green always looks really nice with red.  Not sure if it worked this time.  The green is a silk/cotton blend with one shiny side and one dull side.  Ignore the wrinkles I had just come back from lunch with a friend from "out of town". 

I used all french seams for the top and bias binding as a facing.  Came together easy.  Either choose a really drapey, annoying to work with fabric or have smaller boobs than me.  Otherwise you will be adjusting your clothes all day long.



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