Saturday, 8 March 2014

Window Shopping

A few details about my life before I get into the sewing talk...

A few years ago I emerged from University with a degree and not many job options. I looked around for a while and after several months of nothing but judgemental looks from the staff at centrelink I got a job working in a hospital. Not what I studied but I took it. Now on the first day at work the staff gave me a uniform and told me how to wash my hands and sent me on my way.  Don't worry I'm not actually responsible for nursing care.  

I've decided to go back to Uni this year and get my nursing degree. I've only just realised how much this decision is going to turn my life upside down more then any other time I have done tertiary study. Now putting aside all the reading and time management it seems my wardrobe is going change a lot. 

I have to wear short sleeves (at least 5 cm about the elbows) cleavage covering tops most days at Uni to be allowed into the practise labs.  I have avoided that shape for a long time.  My "uniform" is usually a knit tank top jeans and a cardigan or a woven tank top jeans and a cardigan.  Throw on a scarf and jacket for colder weather. So I have to make some things to wear.

Now to the fun part. Picking patterns...
kimono top
I already own a copy of this pattern and have made it up a handful of times.  It's an easy little top I can make in a day that doesn't have darts.  I usually only wear them on really hot days because wearing it with a cardigan is comical.  This is what I have been wearing most days at Uni.  I think I will have to make up again at least once.
Sinbad and Sailor Fitted Dove T
I have already bought this one as well. I half made it up once and then remembered I don't LIKE sleeves and boob covering tops.  It makes wearing cardigans difficult and makes me look like a barrel. I don't think my lecturers at Uni will appreciate my feelings on this so I guess I will try again.  Hopefully if I pick a really young and out there print it won't make me look that horrible. 
Sewaholic Renfrew
I "own" a copy of this one as well. I traced my Mum's copy. Never made it up.  Knits are a little scary I am not going to lie.  I can make a mean pair of panties or a singlet top but I use lace on all the raw edges and those are never going to be seen by anyone who isn't sleeping with me or doing my laundry. Wearing a knit top outside the house that's different.  But it's an option.
Megan Nielsen Briar Tshirt
Finally some window shopping! I don't think I could do the crop top version and that curved hem in a knit would give me nightmares but I love the versions I have seen around.  So flattering. 
SewChic Ehlen Blouse
This top looks adorable! I've never bought anything from Sew Chic Patterns or heard much about them. I found this pattern during a late night net lurking. It really tickles my vintage sensibilities. I would probably need to do an FBA and fiddle with the peplum to get it to fit. My instinct would be to deepen the V. Don't think my lectures would like that. 
Grainline Scout T
I live in Grainline's Tiny Pocket Tank so I should already own this one. But a few things have stopped me from buying.  I don't know if the relaxed, dartless, kinda short shape will suit me and I don't like sleeves. I would probably lower the neckline a tiny bit.
Vogue 1247
The fun one! I have been meaning to buy this one just because of all the great ones around the sewing blogs. So flattering once you get the size right.  She even looks like a nurse kinda.  A sexy sexy nurse that wants to take your blood pressure. Something about her expression, short skirt and horrible pocket placement.
Salme Cut Out the Shoulder Dress
A dress! I am tempted by this one.  I can overlook the fact that it's a shape and silhouette usually pushed on plus sized women by rtw clothing companies.  Hate your arms but look like a blob when you cover them up? Look we cut a hole for you! Don't really have a waist, especially when you indulge with a large meal? It's called elastic and we have some for you! If it was in a plus sized clothing store it would have a necklace sewn into the shoulder seams, or even worse a picture of a necklace printed onto the neckline. Gross. I do think it will look great with some boots and leggings in winter if I get the length right. Without a fake necklace.

Just have to finish a very special dress then I can get started on this project.  And you know do some Uni home work. 

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